Offices in Dublin are near empty and will remain so for a long time. Investors are, rightly, very concerned about their returns and so are pension funds. City based businesses however will enjoy the savings on rents – Dublin had the 5th highest rents in Europe after all.
And with Public and Private Service leaving the city to work at home for as far forward as we can see right now, there is an opportunity for Dublin – and Cork, Limerick, Galway, Belfast – to become living cities once again.
Imagine Georgian style buildings, long ago turned to expensive offices, large modern glass and steel office buildings turned to living accommodation in the heart of the city.
Grim 1950’s/60’s buildings torn down and rebuilt as housing, ground floors turned into retail arenas.
And with all of that extra accomodation we have reduced the housing crisis and dropped rents to realistic levels.
An excellent perspective from David Mc Williams in the Irish Times – http://www.davidmcwilliams.ie/it-is-time-for-a-major-property-reset/
Caden Grimes Estates is a Dublin based Estate Agent, PSRA licence nr 001883 for the sale and letting of property.