And It Can Be Good For Dublin Landlords……

The new legislation restricting short term stays to 90 days come into effect today (1st July 2019) and apply to properties where it is NOT the owner’s principal private residence but IS in a designated Rent Pressure Zone
You can apply for ‘change of use’ planning permission, but you are unlikely to get it.
If you are short-letting a room in your own home, the new rules do not apply, but you will need to register with your Local Authority
If you are short-letting a property OUTSIDE of the RPZ’s the rules DO NOT apply, but you DO need to apply for change of use. And you have to register with your council.
THIS IS serious – you can be fined up to €5,000 or get up to 6 months in prison – or both of the above!
Is this UNIQUE to Ireland? No – Barcelona, New York, San Fran, Paris, Amsterdam, Toronto, Vancouver, Berlin and a host (NPI!) more have introduced similar rules for similar reasons.
What does it mean for landlords? Well it’s not all bad – long term rents are high, you won’t have to pay constant change out /cleaning fees, less wear and tear – and there are GREAT tenants out there.
But New legislation has come in over the last few years which landlords need to be aware of – limited rent increases, equality, new standards in rented houses- All can be daunting.
Selling or Letting Your Property?
Caden Grimes Estates is licensed (001883) as an Estate Agent and Letting Agent with the PSRA 01 9014480

Rent Pressure Zones in Dublin and surrounding areas include:
All of the Dublin councils, Naas, Newbridge, Celbridge, Leixlip, Maynooth, Ashbourne, Ratoath, Navan, Bray, Greystones, Wicklow, Laytown/Bettystown, Drogheda