Converting your attic is a great way of creating more space – and its reasonably low cost too.
Your loft can make a great teenagers bedroom, games room, a quiet study / sitting room for you.
But be aware that a habitable room on a third floor is considered a bigger risk than the first or ground floor – and rightly so.
In the event of a fire you need to be sure that the stairs down are fire resistant, that there is an alarm that’s linked to the ones downstairs, that there is a window you can get out of and that emergency services can get help to you.
So by all means do it – but do it safely.
The Department of the Environment, Heritage & Local Government has produced an excellent booklet outlining the regulations, you can see it on their website, or Send Me Loft Regulations and we’ll mail you a copy.
Caden Grimes Estates is an Estate Licensed with the PSRA, 001883